Rich Newsome

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  • West
    • Avery
    • Buncombe
    • Burke
    • Cherokee
    • Clay
    • Haywood
    • Henderson
    • Jackson
    • Macon
    • Madison
    • McDowell
    • Mitchell
    • Rutherford
    • Swain
    • Transylvania
    • Watauga
    • Yancey

Total acres 200.0

Looking for the following:

Type of opportunity:

Sale (Standard), Business Partnership.

Equipment & infrastructure:

Barn, Fencing, Well / Pond / Other water source, Livestock facilities, Farmer housing, Cold storage (cooler/freezer).

Qualifications and goals:

Production goals:

Hogs, Cattle (Dairy/Beef), Christmas trees, Hay or pasture, Herbs, Poultry (Broiler/Layer), Sheep/Goat (Dairy/Meat), Vegetable production, Woodlot or forest products. More info: We currently live in Florida with kids in middle school and high school. My wife and I are looking for a farm in Western NC within an hour drive of Asheville. The farm will not be our primary source of income, and are fortunately in a position to invest capital into the right property so that hopefully, in the long term, we can have an organic sustainable farm. Here is the wish list for our farm: 1. beautiful property with some pretty mountain views; 2. 50 to 200 acres within an hour of Asheville; 3. property that will be good for an apple orchard; 4. some bottom pasture for a barn, vegetables, a few head of cattle, and maybe some hay; 5. clean water; 6. potential home site with southern exposure. For the right farm, we will pay cash and a fair price. We hope to find a place that will be our home and a legacy farm for our family.

Personal experience and production goals summary:

Years ago my grandfather had a farm in North Florida. Unfortunately the family lost the farm. During high school I worked on a farm during the summer. I'm an attorney and am blessed to have a successful law practice. My wife is a stay at home mom. Once we find the right farm I would like to hire a manager to help run the farm. We are not yet in a position to move to the farm full time and will not be able to do that for a few years.