Brytani Brown

I want to help with production of products, and raise my family in a great environment

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  • North Central
  • South Central

Total acres 50.0

Acres of cropland or tillable land 25.0

Acres of pasture 40.0

Acres of unfenced pasture 25.0

Looking for the following:

Type of opportunity:

Sale (Standard), Internship / Mentorship. More info: To start as a beginner farmer and sale quality products, as well as raise a family on the farm/home land

Equipment & infrastructure:

Barn, Fencing, Well / Pond / Other water source, Livestock facilities, Farmer housing, Farm equipment, Cold storage (cooler/freezer).

Current production on farm:

Cattle (Dairy/Beef), Christmas trees, Field crops, Hay or pasture, Hogs, Poultry (Broiler/Layer), Sheep/Goat (Dairy/Meat).

Current farming practices:

More info: New to farming but a expedited learner

Qualifications and goals:

Previous farming experience:


Number of years experience:


Production goals:

Cattle (Dairy/Beef), Field crops, Herbs, Hogs, Poultry (Broiler/Layer), Sheep/Goat (Dairy/Meat), Vegetable production.

Personal experience and production goals summary:

None willing to learn family willing to locate from Washington dc